
hello again.

I am writing this at 11:35 p.m. and I really can’t give you a good reason as to why. sometimes words just come to me at night, more often than during the day, and I have to get them out before I go to sleep.

well, let us get to the good part: I crossed another one off of the list! number 22 is to volunteer somewhere. I did this a while ago as well, but I still remember it so clearly. I actually ended up volunteering at a church for their summer program called “vbx”, which stands for vacation bible school x-treme. why they don’t have the letter s in there is beyond me, but it was a lot of fun. I had done it before in previous years, but this was probably the best time I had. the age group I helped with at the church were preschoolers or kids going into kindergarten. it was a really cool experience, because all of these little human beings were looking to me for help and guidance. it was on me and the other volunteers to ensure that they were soaking up all of the verses they were told, the love God has for them, and the stories they listened to. I am not a hard core catholic or christian, but I do believe in God and I pray almost every night before I go to sleep. it was sweet, how innocent these children were, and you could tell that many of them enjoyed how much they were being taught. I guarantee every one of those kids went home and talked to their mom or dad, grandma or grandpa about the love and compassion God has for us (even when they get put in timeout). they learned all of these new things (some of them had never been to church, much less a camp for a church), and I was lucky enough to witness it, and even teach some of it to their eager minds. you could see as they sang on the stage how much they had taken away from just three days spent there. it was a beautiful thing to watch.

my love always,

emma jo


just so you know, I went and edited my summer bucket list a little bit. some of the things I found I didn’t have enough time or money for, but please don’t worry, I have plenty more items on the list to entertain you with!